§ 1162. Final report to President and Congress on terminated projects  

Latest version.
  • (a) Repealed. Pub. L. 104–66, title I, § 1051(m), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 717. (b) No later than one year after the termination of each demonstration project under section 1125 of this title, the Chairman of the Project shall submit to the President and the Congress a final report on the activities of the Project related to each project, including his recommendations with respect to any further legislative, administrative, and other actions which should be taken in support of the objectives of this chapter.
(Pub. L. 93–410, title III, § 302, Sept. 3, 1974, 88 Stat. 1088; Pub. L. 104–66, title I, § 1051(m), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 717.)



1995—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104–66 struck out subsec. (a) which read as follows: “The Chairman of the Project shall submit to the President and the Congress full and complete annual reports of the activities of the Project, including such projections and estimates as may be necessary to evaluate the progress of the national geothermal energy research, development and demonstration program and to provide the basis for as accurate a judgment as is possible concerning the extent to which the objectives of this chapter will have been achieved by June 30, 1980.”