§ 1624. Certification of awards; certification of claims  

Latest version.
  • The Commission shall, as soon as possible, and in the order of the making of such awards, certify to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the Secretary of State copies of the awards made in favor of the Government of the United States or of nationals of the United States under this subchapter. The Commission shall certify to the Secretary of State, upon his request, copies of the formal submissions of claims filed pursuant to subsection (b) of section 1623 of this title for transmission to the foreign government concerned.

(Mar. 10, 1950, ch. 54, title I, § 5, 64 Stat. 16; Aug. 9, 1955, ch. 645, §§ 1, 2, 69 Stat. 562.)


References to This Subchapter Deemed To Include Section 119 of H.R. 2076

References to this subchapter deemed to include section 119 of H.R. 2076, see section 119(b) of H.R. 2076, as enacted into law by Pub. L. 104–91, set out as an Authority of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission note under section 1644 of this title.



1955—Act Aug. 9, 1955, § 1, amended credit to section by designating act Mar. 10, 1950, as “title I”.

Act Aug. 9, 1955, § 2, substituted “subchapter” for “chapter”.


Abolition of International Claims Commission and Transfer of Functions

International Claims Commission of the United States, including offices of its members, abolished and functions of Commission and of members, officers, and employees thereof transferred to Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States by Reorg. Plan No. 1 of 1954, §§ 1, 2, 4, eff. July 1, 1954, 19 F.R. 3985, 68 Stat. 1279, set out as a note under section 1622 of this title.

For provisions transferring Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States as a separate agency within the Department of Justice, see section 1622a et seq. of this title.