§ 6398. Coordination of migrant education activities  

Latest version.
  • (a) Improvement of coordination(1) In general

    The Secretary, in consultation with the States, may make grants to, or enter into contracts with, State educational agencies, local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, and other public and private nonprofit entities to improve the interstate and intrastate coordination among such agencies’ educational programs, including the establishment or improvement of programs for credit accrual and exchange, available to migratory students.

    (2) Duration

    Grants under this subsection may be awarded for not more than 5 years.

    (b) Student records(1) Assistance

    The Secretary shall assist States in developing effective methods for the electronic transfer of student records and in determining the number of migratory children in each State.

    (2) Information system(A) In generalThe Secretary, in consultation with the States, shall ensure the linkage of migrant student record systems for the purpose of electronically exchanging, among the States, health and educational information regarding all migratory students. The Secretary shall ensure such linkage occurs in a cost-effective manner, utilizing systems used by the States prior to, or developed after, January 8, 2002, and shall determine the minimum data elements that each State receiving funds under this part shall collect and maintain. Such elements may include—(i) immunization records and other health information;(ii) elementary and secondary academic history (including partial credit), credit accrual, and results from State assessments required under section 6311(b) of this title;(iii) other academic information essential to ensuring that migratory children achieve to high standards; and(iv) eligibility for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.].(B) Notice and comment

    After consulting with the States under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall publish a notice in the Federal Register seeking public comment on the proposed data elements that each State receiving funds under this part shall be required to collect for purposes of electronic transfer of migratory student information and the requirements that States shall meet for immediate electronic access to such information. Such publication shall occur not later than 120 days after January 8, 2002.

    (3) No cost for certain transfers

    A State educational agency or local educational agency receiving assistance under this part shall make student records available to another State educational agency or local educational agency that requests the records at no cost to the requesting agency, if the request is made in order to meet the needs of a migratory child.

    (4) Report to Congress(A) In general

    Not later than April 30, 2003, the Secretary shall report to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives the Secretary’s findings and recommendations regarding the maintenance and transfer of health and educational information for migratory students by the States.

    (B) Required contentsThe Secretary shall include in such report—(i) a review of the progress of States in developing and linking electronic records transfer systems;(ii) recommendations for the development and linkage of such systems; and(iii) recommendations for measures that may be taken to ensure the continuity of services provided for migratory students.
    (c) Availability of funds

    For the purpose of carrying out this section in any fiscal year, the Secretary shall reserve not more than $10,000,000 of the amount appropriated to carry out this part for such year.

    (d) Incentive grants

    From the amounts made available to carry out this section for any fiscal year, the Secretary may reserve not more than $3,000,000 to award grants of not more than $250,000 on a competitive basis to State educational agencies that propose a consortium arrangement with another State or other appropriate entity that the Secretary determines, pursuant to criteria that the Secretary shall establish, will improve the delivery of services to migratory children whose education is interrupted.

    (e) Data collection

    The Secretary shall direct the National Center for Education Statistics to collect data on migratory children.

(Pub. L. 89–10, title I, § 1308, as added Pub. L. 107–110, title I, § 101, Jan. 8, 2002, 115 Stat. 1578.)

References In Text

References in Text

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, referred to in subsec. (b)(2)(A)(iv), is title VI of Pub. L. 91–230, Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 175, as amended, which is classified generally to chapter 33 (§ 1400 et seq.) of this title. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see section 1400 of this title and Tables.

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

A prior section 6398, Pub. L. 89–10, title I, § 1308, as added Pub. L. 103–382, title I, § 101, Oct. 20, 1994, 108 Stat. 3590, related to coordination of migrant education activities, prior to the general amendment of this subchapter by Pub. L. 107–110.