§ 57. Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks; exclusive jurisdiction of United States; jurisdiction remaining in and taxation by California  

Latest version.
  • Sole and exclusive jurisdiction is assumed by the United States over the territory embraced and included within the Yosemite National Park and Sequoia National Park, respectively, saving, however, to the State of California the right to serve civil or criminal process within the limits of the aforesaid parks or either of them in suits or prosecutions for or on account of rights acquired, obligations incurred, or crimes committed in said State outside of said parks; and saving further to the said State the right to tax persons and corporations, their franchises and property on the lands included in said parks, and the right to fix and collect license fees for fishing in said parks; and saving also to the persons residing in any of said parks now or hereafter the right to vote at all elections held within the county or counties in which said parks are situated.

(June 2, 1920, ch. 218, § 1, 41 Stat. 731; Mar. 4, 1940, ch. 40, § 2, 54 Stat. 43.)



A provision accepting the act of the California Legislature which ceded to the United States exclusive jurisdiction over the territory referred to in this section has been omitted as executed.


General Grant National Park Abolished

Act Mar. 4, 1940, set out as section 80a of this title, abolished the General Grant National Park and added the lands to the Kings Canyon National Park as the General Grant grove section.