§ 3835a. Conversion of land subject to contract to other conserving uses

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  • (a) Conversion to trees(1) In general

    The Secretary shall permit an owner or operator that has entered into a contract under this subpart that is in effect on November 28, 1990, to convert areas of highly erodible cropland that are subject to the contract, and that are devoted to vegetative cover, from that use to hardwood trees, windbreaks, shelterbelts, or wildlife corridors.

    (2) Terms(A) Extension of contract

    With respect to a contract that is modified under this section that provides for the planting of hardwood trees, windbreaks, shelterbelts, or wildlife corridors, if the original term of the contract was less than 15 years, the owner or operator may extend the contract to a term of not to exceed 15 years.

    (B) Cost share assistance

    The Secretary shall pay 50 percent of the cost of establishing conservation measures and practices authorized under this subsection for which the Secretary determines the cost sharing is appropriate and in the public interest.

    (b) Conversion to wetlandThe Secretary shall permit an owner or operator that has entered into a contract under this subpart that is in effect on November 28, 1990, to restore areas of highly erodible cropland that are devoted to vegetative cover under the contract to wetland if—(1) the areas are prior converted wetland;(2) the owner or operator of the areas enters into an agreement to provide the Secretary with a long-term or permanent easement under subpart C covering the areas;(3) there is a high probability that the prior converted area can be successfully restored to wetland status; and(4) the restoration of the areas otherwise meets the requirements of subpart C. (c) Limitation

    The Secretary shall not incur, through a conversion under this section, any additional expense on the acres, including the expense involved in the original establishment of the vegetative cover, that would result in cost share for costs under this section in excess of the costs that would have been subject to cost share for the new practice had that practice been the original practice.

    (d) Condition of contract

    An owner or operator shall as a condition of entering into a contract under subsection (a) of this section participate in the Forest Stewardship Program established under section 2103a of this title.

(Pub. L. 99–198, title XII, § 1235A, as added Pub. L. 107–171, title II, § 2101(a), May 13, 2002, 116 Stat. 251.)

Prior Provisions

Prior Provisions

Prior sections 3835a and 3836 were omitted in the general amendment of this subpart by Pub. L. 107–171.

Section 3835a, Pub. L. 99–198, title XII, § 1235A, as added Pub. L. 101–624, title XIV, § 1435, Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 3582; amended Pub. L. 102–324, § 1(b), July 22, 1992, 106 Stat. 447, related to conversion of land subject to contract to other conserving uses.

Section 3836, Pub. L. 99–198, title XII, § 1236, Dec. 23, 1985, 99 Stat. 1514; Pub. L. 101–624, title XIV, §§ 1436, 1447(a), Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 3583, 3605; Pub. L. 107–76, title VII, § 759(b)(1), Nov. 28, 2001, 115 Stat. 741, related to cropland base and allotment history.

A prior section 3836a, Pub. L. 104–127, title III, § 387, Apr. 4, 1996, 110 Stat. 1020, related to Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 107–171, title II, § 2502(b), May 13, 2002, 116 Stat. 267. See section 3839bb–1 of this title.