§ 2301. Congressional statement of findings and purpose  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Congress hereby finds that—(1) the purpose of the National Park System is to preserve outstanding natural, scenic, historic, and recreation areas for the enjoyment, education, inspiration, and use of all people;(2) units of the National Park System have recently been established near major metropolitan areas in order to preserve remaining open space and to provide recreational opportunities for urban residents (many of whom do not have access to personal motor vehicles); and(3) circumstances which necessarily require people desiring to visit units of the National Park System to rely on personal motor vehicles may diminish the natural and recreational value of such units by causing traffic congestion and environmental damage, and by requiring the provision of roads, parking, and other facilities in ever-increasing numbers and density. (b) The purpose of this chapter is to make the National Park System more accessible in a manner consistent with the preservation of parks and the conservation of energy by encouraging the use of transportation modes other than personal motor vehicles for access to and within units of the National Park System with minimum disruption to nearby communities through authorization of a pilot transportation program.
(Pub. L. 95–344, title III, § 301, Aug. 15, 1978, 92 Stat. 477.)