§ 1b. Secretary of the Interior’s authorization of additional activities; administration of National Park System  

Latest version.
  • In order to facilitate the administration of the National Park System, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to carry out the following activities, and he may use applicable appropriations for the aforesaid system for the following purposes: (1) Emergency assistance

    Rendering of emergency rescue, fire fighting, and cooperative assistance to nearby law enforcement and fire prevention agencies and for related purposes outside of the National Park System.

    (2) Utility facilities; erection and maintenance

    The erection and maintenance of fire protection facilities, water lines, telephone lines, electric lines, and other utility facilities adjacent to any area of the said National Park System, where necessary, to provide service in such area.

    (3) Transportation of employees of Carlsbad Caverns National Park; rates

    Transportation to and from work, outside of regular working hours, of employees of Carlsbad Caverns National Park, residing in or near the city of Carlsbad, New Mexico, such transportation to be between the park and the city, or intervening points, at reasonable rates to be determined by the Secretary of the Interior taking into consideration, among other factors, comparable rates charged by transportation companies in the locality for similar services, the amounts collected for such transportation to be credited to the appropriation current at the time payment is received: Provided, That if adequate transportation facilities are available, or shall be available by any common carrier, at reasonable rates, then and in that event the facilities contemplated by this paragraph shall not be offered.

    (4) Utility services for concessioners; reimbursement

    Furnishing, on a reimbursement of appropriation basis, all types of utility services to concessioners, contractors, permittees, or other users of such services, within the National Park System: Provided, That reimbursements for cost of such utility services may be credited to the appropriation current at the time reimbursements are received.

    (5) Supplies and rental of equipment; reimbursement

    Furnishing, on a reimbursement of appropriation basis, supplies, and the rental of equipment to persons and agencies that in cooperation with, and subject to the approval of, the Secretary of the Interior, render services or perform functions that facilitate or supplement the activities of the Department of the Interior in the administration of the National Park System: Provided, That reimbursements hereunder may be credited to the appropriation current at the time reimbursements are received.

    (6) Contracts for utility facilities

    Contracting, under such terms and conditions as the said Secretary considers to be in the interest of the Federal Government, for the sale, operation, maintenance, repair, or relocation of Government-owned electric and telephone lines and other utility facilities used for the administration and protection of the National Park System, regardless of whether such lines and facilities are located within or outside said system and areas.

    (7) Rights-of-way

    Acquiring such rights-of-way as may be necessary to construct, improve, and maintain roads within the authorized boundaries of any area of said National Park System and the acquisition also of land and interests in land adjacent to such rights-of-way, when deemed necessary by the Secretary, to provide adequate protection of natural features or to avoid traffic and other hazards resulting from private road access connections, or when the acquisition of adjacent residual tracts, which otherwise would remain after acquiring such rights-of-way, would be in the public interest.

    (8) Operation and maintenance of motor and other equipment; rent of equipment; reimbursement

    The operation, repair, maintenance, and replacement of motor and other equipment on a reimbursable basis when such equipment is used on Federal projects of the said National Park System, chargeable to other appropriations, or on work of other Federal agencies, when requested by such agencies. Reimbursement shall be made from appropriations applicable to the work on which the equipment is used at rental rates established by the Secretary, based on actual or estimated cost of operation, repair, maintenance, depreciation, and equipment management control and credited to appropriations currently available at the time adjustment is effected, and the Secretary may also rent equipment for fire control purposes to State, county, private, or other non-Federal agencies that cooperate with the Secretary in the administration of the said National Park System and other areas in fire control, such rental to be under the terms of written cooperative agreements, the amount collected for such rentals to be credited to appropriations currently available at the time payment is received.

(Aug. 8, 1953, ch. 384, § 1, 67 Stat. 495; Pub. L. 91–383, § 2(a), Aug. 18, 1970, 84 Stat. 826.)



1970—Pub. L. 91–383 struck out “and miscellaneous areas administered in connection therewith” after “National Park System” and “and miscellaneous areas” after “aforesaid system” in introductory text and “National Park System” in pars. (1), (2), (4) to (7), and (8) where first appearing.