§ 192b–3. Acquisition of lands  

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  • The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire lands and interests in lands by donation or with donated funds, by purchase with Federal funds, or otherwise, in his discretion, for development of an appropriate eastern approach to the park, described as follows:

    sixth principal meridian

    Township 5 north, range 73 west; those parts of the following subdivisions lying south of the south boundary of the present Highdrive Road right-of-way: Section 27, east half southwest quarter, and south half southeast quarter; section 34, northeast quarter northeast quarter; section 35, west half northwest quarter northwest quarter; those parts of the following subdivisions lying north and west of the left bank of the Big Thompson River: Section 34, north half southeast quarter northeast quarter; section 35, southwest quarter northwest quarter comprising approximately one hundred and forty-five acres; and a strip of land, not to exceed an average of five hundred feet in width, generally paralleling the Thompson River for approximately one and six-tenths miles from near the center of section 25, township 5 north, range 73 west, to the one hundred and forty-five-acre tract described elsewhere in this section.

(Aug. 24, 1949, ch. 501, § 2, 63 Stat. 626.)