§ 205e. Functions and powers of Board  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the function of the Board to devise and carry out a broad program of planning, coordination, and public education, consistent with other national policy and interests, with the aim of implementing the policy set forth in this subchapter. In carrying out this program, the Board shall— (1) consult with and take into account the interests, views, and conversion costs of United States commerce and industry, including small business; science; engineering; labor; education; consumers; government agencies at the Federal, State, and local level; nationally recognized standards developing and coordinating organizations; metric conversion planning and coordinating groups; and such other individuals or groups as are considered appropriate by the Board to the carrying out of the purposes of this subchapter. The Board shall take into account activities underway in the private and public sectors, so as not to duplicate unnecessarily such activities; (2) provide for appropriate procedures whereby various groups, under the auspices of the Board, may formulate, and recommend or suggest, to the Board specific programs for coordinating conversion in each industry and segment thereof and specific dimensions and configurations in the metric system and in other measurements for general use. Such programs, dimensions, and configurations shall be consistent with (A) the needs, interests, and capabilities of manufacturers (large and small), suppliers, labor, consumers, educators, and other interested groups, and (B) the national interest; (3) publicize, in an appropriate manner, proposed programs and provide an opportunity for interested groups or individuals to submit comments on such programs. At the request of interested parties, the Board, in its discretion, may hold hearings with regard to such programs. Such comments and hearings may be considered by the Board; (4) encourage activities of standardization organizations to develop or revise, as rapidly as practicable, engineering standards on a metric measurement basis, and to take advantage of opportunities to promote (A) rationalization or simplification of relationships, (B) improvements of design, (C) reduction of size variations, (D) increases in economy, and (E) where feasible, the efficient use of energy and the conservation of natural resources; (5) encourage the retention, in new metric language standards, of those United States engineering designs, practices, and conventions that are internationally accepted or that embody superior technology; (6) consult and cooperate with foreign governments, and intergovernmental organizations, in collaboration with the Department of State, and, through appropriate member bodies, with private international organizations, which are or become concerned with the encouragement and coordination of increased use of metric measurement units or engineering standards based on such units, or both. Such consultation shall include efforts, where appropriate, to gain international recognition for metric standards proposed by the United States, and, during the United States conversion, to encourage retention of equivalent customary units, usually by way of dual dimensions, in international standards or recommendations; (7) assist the public through information and education programs, to become familiar with the meaning and applicability of metric terms and measures in daily life. Such programs shall include—(A) public information programs conducted by the Board, through the use of newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and other media, and through talks before appropriate citizens’ groups, and trade and public organizations;(B) counseling and consultation by the Secretary of Education; the Secretary of Labor; the Administrator of the Small Business Administration; and the Director of the National Science Foundation, with educational associations, State and local educational agencies, labor education committees, apprentice training committees, and other interested groups, in order to assure (i) that the metric system of measurement is included in the curriculum of the Nation’s educational institutions, and (ii) that teachers and other appropriate personnel are properly trained to teach the metric system of measurement;(C) consultation by the Secretary of Commerce with the National Conference of Weights and Measures in order to assure that State and local weights and measures officials are (i) appropriately involved in metric conversion activities and (ii) assisted in their efforts to bring about timely amendments to weights and measures laws; and(D) such other public information activities, by any Federal agency in support of this subchapter, as relate to the mission of such agency; (8) collect, analyze, and publish information about the extent of usage of metric measurements; evaluate the costs and benefits of metric usage; and make efforts to minimize any adverse effects resulting from increasing metric usage; (9) conduct research, including appropriate surveys; publish the results of such research; and recommend to the Congress and to the President such action as may be appropriate to deal with any unresolved problems, issues, and questions associated with metric conversion, or usage, such problems, issues, and questions may include, but are not limited to, the impact on workers (such as costs of tools and training) and on different occupations and industries, possible increased costs to consumers, the impact on society and the economy, effects on small business, the impact on the international trade position of the United States, the appropriateness of and methods for using procurement by the Federal Government as a means to effect conversion to the metric system, the proper conversion or transition period in particular sectors of society, and consequences for national defense; (10) submit annually to the Congress and to the President a report on its activities. Each such report shall include a status report on the conversion process as well as projections for the conversion process. Such report may include recommendations covering any legislation or executive action needed to implement the the programs of conversion accepted by the Board. The Board may also submit such other reports and recommendations as it deems necessary; and (11) submit to the Congress and to the President, not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of the Act making appropriations for carrying out this subchapter, a report on the need to provide an effective structural mechanism for converting customary units to metric units in statutes, regulations, and other laws at all levels of government, on a coordinated and timely basis, in response to voluntary conversion programs adopted and implemented by various sectors of society under the auspices and with the approval of the Board. If the Board determines that such a need exists, such report shall include recommendations as to appropriate and effective means for establishing and implementing such a mechanism.
(Pub. L. 94–168, § 6, Dec. 23, 1975, 89 Stat. 1008; Pub. L. 96–88, title III, § 301, title V, § 507, Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 677, 692.)

Transfer Of Functions

Transfer of Functions

“Secretary of Education” substituted for “Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare” in par. (7)(B) pursuant to sections 301 and 507 of Pub. L. 96–88, which are classified to sections 3441 and 3507 of Title 20, Education.


Termination of Reporting Requirements

For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions in par. (10) of this section relating to annual report to Congress, see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, set out as a note under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance, and page 194 of House Document No. 103–7.