§ 4745. Terms of participation agreements  

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  • (a) In general

    The participation agreement to be entered into by a participating State and a participating financial institution shall include all provisions required by this section, and shall not include any provisions inconsistent with the provisions of this section.

    (b) Establishment of separate reserve fundsA separate reserve fund shall be established by the participating State for each participating financial institution. All funds credited to a reserve fund shall be the exclusive property of the participating State. Each reserve fund shall be an administrative account for the purposes of—(1) receiving all required premium charges to be paid by the borrower and participating financial institution and contributions by the participating State; and(2) disbursing funds, either to cover losses sustained by the participating financial institution in connection with loans made under the Program, or as contemplated by subsections (d) and (r) of this section. (c) Investment authority

    Subject to applicable State law, the participating State may invest, or cause to be invested, funds held in a reserve fund by establishing a deposit account at the participating financial institution in the name of the participating State. In the event that funds in the reserve fund are not deposited in such an account, such funds shall be invested in a form that the participating State determines is safe and liquid.

    (d) Earned income and interest

    Interest or income earned on the funds credited to a reserve fund shall be deemed to be part of the reserve fund, except that a participating State may, as further specified in the participation agreement, provide authority for the participating State to withdraw some or all of such interest or income earned.

    (e) Loan terms and conditions(1) In general

    A loan to be filed for enrollment under the Program may be made with such interest rate, fees, and other terms and conditions as agreed upon by the participating financial institution and the borrower, consistent with applicable law.

    (2) Lines of credit

    If a loan to be filed for enrollment is in the form of a line of credit, the amount of the loan shall be considered to be the maximum amount that can be drawn by the borrower against the line of credit.

    (f) Enrollment process(1) Filing(A) In general

    A participating financial institution shall file each loan made under the Program for enrollment by completing and submitting to the participating State a form prescribed by the participating State.

    (B) Form

    The form referred to in subparagraph (A) shall include a representation by the participating financial institution that it has complied with the participation agreement in enrolling the loan with the State.

    (C) Premium charges

    Accompanying the completed form shall be the nonrefundable premium charges paid by the borrower and the participating financial institution, or evidence that such premium charges have been deposited into the deposit account containing the reserve fund, if applicable.

    (D) Submission

    The participation agreement shall require that the items required by this subsection shall be submitted to the participating State by the participating financial institutions not later than 10 calendar days after a loan is made.

    (2) Enrollment by State

    Upon receipt by the participating State of the filing submitted in accordance with paragraph (1), the participating State shall promptly enroll the loan and make a matching contribution to the reserve fund in accordance with subsection (j) of this section, unless the information submitted indicates that the participating financial institution has not complied with the participation agreement in enrolling the loan.

    (g) Coverage amount

    In filing a loan for enrollment under the Program, the participating financial institution may specify an amount to be covered under the Program that is less than the full amount of the loan.

    (h) Premium charges(1) Minimum and maximum amounts

    The premium charges payable to the reserve fund by the borrower and the participating financial institution shall be prescribed by the participating financial institution, within minimum and maximum limits set forth in the participation agreement. The participation agreement shall establish minimum and maximum limits whereby the sum of the premium charges paid in connection with a loan by the borrower and the participating financial institution is not less than 3 percent nor more than 7 percent of the amount of the loan covered under the Program.

    (2) Allocation of premium charges

    The participation agreement shall specify terms for allocating premium charges between the borrower and the participating financial institution. However, if the participating financial institution is required to pay any of the premium charges, the participation agreement shall authorize the participating financial institution to recover from the borrower the cost of the payment of the participating financial institution, in any manner on which the participating financial institution and the borrower agree.

    (i) Restrictions(1) Actions prohibitedExcept as provided in subsection (h) of this section and paragraph (2) of this subsection, the participating State may not—(A) impose any restrictions or requirements, relating to the interest rate, fees, collateral, or other business terms and conditions of the loan; or(B) condition enrollment of a loan in the Program on the review by the State of the risk or creditworthiness of a loan.(2) Effect on other law

    Nothing in this subchapter shall affect the applicability of any other law to the conduct by a participating financial institution of its business.

    (j) State contributions

    In enrolling a loan under the Program, the participating State shall contribute to the reserve fund an amount, as provided for in the participation agreement, which shall not be less than the sum of the amount of premium charges paid by the borrower and the participating financial institution.

    (k) Submission of claims(1) FilingIf a participating financial institution charges off all or part of an enrolled loan, such participating financial institution may file a claim for reimbursement with the participating State by submitting a form that—(A) includes the representation by the participating financial institution that it is filing the claim in accordance with the terms of the applicable participation agreement; and(B) contains such other information as may be required by the participating State.(2) Timing

    Any claim filed under paragraph (1) shall be filed contemporaneously with the action of the participating financial institution to charge off all or part of an enrolled loan. The participating financial institution shall determine when and how much to charge off on an enrolled loan, in a manner consistent with its usual method for making such determinations on business loans that are not enrolled loans under this subchapter.

    (l) Elements of claims

    A claim filed by a participating financial institution may include the amount of principal charged off, not to exceed the covered amount of the loan. Such claim may also include accrued interest and out-of-pocket expenses, if and to the extent provided for under the participation agreement.

    (m) Payment of claims(1) In general

    Except as provided in subsection (n) of this section and paragraph (2) of this subsection, upon receipt of a claim filed in accordance with this section and the participation agreement, the participating State shall promptly pay to the participating financial institution, from funds in the reserve fund, the full amount of the claim as submitted.

    (2) Insufficient reserve fundsIf there are insufficient funds in the reserve fund to cover the entire amount of a claim of a participating financial institution, the participating State shall pay to the participating financial institution an amount equal to the current balance in the reserve fund. If the enrolled loan for which the claim has been filed—(A) is not an early loan, such payment shall be deemed fully to satisfy the claim, and the participating financial institution shall have no other or further right to receive any amount from the reserve fund with respect to such claim; or(B) is an early loan, such payment shall not be deemed fully to satisfy the claim of the participating financial institution, and at such time as the remaining balance of the claim does not exceed 75 percent of the balance in the reserve fund, the participating State shall, upon the request of the participating financial institution, pay any remaining amount of the claim.
    (n) Denial of claims

    A participating State may deny a claim if a representation or warranty made by the participating financial institution to the participating State at the time that the loan was filed for enrollment or at the time that the claim was submitted was known by the participating financial institution to be false.

    (o) Subsequent recovery of claim amount

    If, subsequent to payment of a claim by the participating State, a participating financial institution recovers from a borrower any amount for which payment of the claim was made, the participating financial institution shall promptly pay to the participating State for deposit into the reserve fund the amount recovered, less any expenses incurred by the institution in collection of such amount.

    (p) Participation agreement terms(1) In generalIn connection with the filing of a loan for enrollment in the Program, the participation agreement—(A) shall require the participating financial institution to obtain an assurance from each borrower that—(i) the proceeds of the loan will be used for a business purpose;(ii) the loan will not be used to finance passive real estate ownership; and(iii) the borrower is not—(I) an executive officer, director, or principal shareholder of the participating financial institution;(II) a member of the immediate family of an executive officer, director, or principal shareholder of the participating financial institution; or(III) a related interest of any such executive officer, director, principal shareholder, or member of the immediate family;(B) shall require the participating financial institution to provide assurances to the participating State that the loan has not been made in order to place under the protection of the Program prior debt that is not covered under the Program and that is or was owed by the borrower to the participating financial institution or to an affiliate of the participating financial institution;(C) may provide that if—(i) a participating financial institution makes a loan to a borrower that is a refinancing of a loan previously made to the borrower by the participating financial institution or an affiliate of the participating financial institution;(ii) such prior loan was not enrolled in the Program; and(iii) additional or new financing is extended by the participating financial institution as part of the refinancing,the participating financial institution may file the loan for enrollment, with the amount to be covered under the Program not to exceed the amount of any additional or new financing; and(D) may include additional restrictions on the eligibility of loans or borrowers that are not inconsistent with the provisions and purposes of this subchapter.(2) Definitions

    For purposes of this subsection, the terms “executive officer”, “director”, “principal shareholder”, “immediate family”, and “related interest” refer to the same relationship to a participating financial institution as the relationship described in part 215 of title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor to such part.

    (q) Termination clause

    In each participation agreement, the participating State shall reserve for itself the ability to terminate its obligation to enroll loans under the Program. Any such termination shall be prospective only, and shall not apply to amounts of loans enrolled under the Program prior to such termination.

    (r) Allowable withdrawals from fund

    The participation agreement may provide that, if, for any consecutive period of not less than 24 months, the aggregate outstanding balance of all enrolled loans for a participating financial institution is continually less than the outstanding balance in the reserve fund for that participating financial institution, the participating State, in its discretion, may withdraw an amount from the reserve fund to bring the balance in the reserve fund down to the outstanding balance of all such enrolled loans.

    (s) Grandfathered provision(1) Special treatment of premium chargesNotwithstanding subsection (b) or (d) of this section, the participation agreement, if explicitly authorized by a statute enacted by the State before September 23, 1994, may allow a participating financial institution to treat the premium charges paid by the participating financial institution and the borrower into the reserve fund, and interest or income earned on funds in the reserve fund that are deemed to be attributable to such premium charges, as assets of the participating financial institution for accounting purposes, subject to withdrawal by the participating financial institution only—(A) for the payment of claims approved by the participating State in accordance with this section; and(B) upon the participating financial institution’s withdrawal from authority to make new loans under the Program.(2) Payment of post-withdrawal claims

    After any withdrawal of assets from the reserve fund pursuant to paragraph (1)(B), any future claims filed by the participating financial institution on loans remaining in its capital access program portfolio shall only be paid from funds remaining in the reserve fund to the extent that, in the aggregate, such claims exceed the sum of the amount of such withdrawn assets, and interest on that amount, imputed at the same rate as income would have accrued had the amount not been withdrawn.

    (3) Conditions for terminating special authority

    If the Fund determines that the inclusion in a participation agreement of the provisions authorized by this subsection is resulting in the enrollment of loans under the Program that are likely to have been made without assistance provided under this subchapter, the Fund may notify the participating State that henceforth, the Fund will only make reimbursements to the State under section 4747 of this title with respect to a loan if the participation agreement between the participating State and each participating financial institution has been amended to conform with this section, without exercise of the special authority granted by this subsection.

(Pub. L. 103–325, title II, § 255, Sept. 23, 1994, 108 Stat. 2207.)