§ 4351. Cadets: deficiencies in conduct or studies; effect of failure on successor  

Latest version.
  • (a) A cadet who is reported as deficient in conduct or studies and recommended to be discharged from the Academy may not, unless recommended by the Academic Board, be returned or reappointed to the Academy. (b) Any cadet who fails to pass a required examination because he is deficient in any one subject of instruction is entitled to a reexamination of equal scope and difficulty in that subject, if he applies in writing to the Academic Board within 10 days after he is officially notified of his failure. The reexamination shall be held within 60 days after the date of his application. If the cadet passes the reexamination and is otherwise qualified, he shall be readmitted to the Academy. If he fails, he may not have another examination. (c) The failure of a member of a graduating class to complete the course with his class does not delay the admission of his successor.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 244.)

Historical And Revision

Historical and Revision Notes

Revised section

Source (U.S. Code)

Source (Statutes at Large)






10:1092b (1st proviso).

Aug. 11, 1916, ch. 314 (3d, 4th, and 5th provisos under “Permanent Establishment”), 39 Stat. 493.


R.S. 1325.


June 30, 1950, ch. 421, § 2 (1st proviso), 64 Stat. 304.

In subsection (a), 10:1104 (last 20 words) is omitted as superseded by section 3287(d) of this title.

In subsection (b), the words “is entitled to” are substituted for the words “shall have the right to apply”. The words “of equal scope and difficulty in that subject” are substituted for the words “by compliance with the requirements existing at the time of the first examination”.

In subsection (c), the words “by reason of sickness, or deficiency in his studies, or other cause” are omitted as surplusage.


Readmission to Service Academies of Certain Former Cadets and Midshipmen

Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title V, § 525, Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1465, provided that:“(a)Inspector General Report as Basis for Readmission.—(1) When a formal report by an Inspector General within the Department of Defense concerning the circumstances of the separation of a cadet or midshipman from one of the service academies contains a specific finding specified in paragraph (2), the Secretary of the military department concerned may use that report as the sole basis for readmission of the former cadet or midshipman to the respective service academy.“(2) A finding specified in this paragraph is a finding that substantiates that a former service academy cadet or midshipman, while attending the service academy—“(A) received administrative or punitive action or nonjudicial punishment as a result of reprisal;“(B) resigned in lieu of disciplinary, administrative, or other action that the formal report concludes constituted a threat of reprisal; or“(C) otherwise suffered an injustice that contributed to the resignation of the cadet or midshipman.“(b)Readmission.—In the case of a formal report by an Inspector General described in subsection (a), the Secretary concerned shall offer the former cadet or midshipman an opportunity for readmission to the service academy from which the former cadet or midshipman resigned, if the former cadet or midshipman is otherwise eligible for such readmission.“(c)Applications for Readmission.—A former cadet or midshipman described in a report referred to in subsection (a) may apply for readmission to the service academy on the basis of that report and shall not be required to submit the request for readmission through a board for the correction of military records.“(d)Regulations to Minimize Adverse Impact Upon Readmission.—The Secretary of each military department shall prescribe regulations for the readmission of a former cadet or midshipman described in subsection (a), with the goal, to the maximum extent practicable, of readmitting the former cadet or midshipman at no loss of the academic or military status held by the former cadet at the time of resignation.“(e)Construction With Other Remedies.—This section does not preempt or supersede any other remedy that may be available to a former cadet or midshipman.“(f)Service Academies.—In this section, the term ‘service academy’ means the following:“(1) The United States Military Academy.“(2) The United States Naval Academy.“(3) The United States Air Force Academy.”