§ 1725. Repealed. Pub. L. 108–136, div. A, title VIII, § 832(a), Nov. 24, 2003, 117 Stat. 1550; amended Pub. L. 108–375, div. A, title X, § 1084(f)(1), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 2064

Latest version.

Remova lDescription

Section, added Pub. L. 101–510, div. A, title XII, § 1202(a), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1643, related to Office of Personnel Management approval.

Effective Date Of Amendment

Effective Date of 2004 Amendment

Pub. L. 108–375, div. A, title X, § 1084(f), Oct. 28, 2004, 118 Stat. 2064, provided that the amendment made by section 1084(f) (amending section 832(a) of Pub. L. 108–136, which repealed this section, and sections 1742 and 2611 of this title) is effective as of Nov. 24, 2003, and as if included in Pub. L. 108–136 as enacted.